For whom is concern with autoimmune disease (e.g. Lupus, SS, RA, MG, MS, Crohn, Scleroderma, Psoriasis), thyroid, eczema, urticaria and inflammation.

How to embrace naturopathy for inner healing in autoimmunity with the AIR Program and stay away from medication and inflammation?

WITHOUT Drugs, TCM, Folk Prescription, Man-made Supplements, Strict Diet and Drastic Change in Lifestyle

My Happy and Painful Autoimmune Journey

In 2006, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) when I was in college.

I just ignore it because I have no joint pain back then.

As of 2011, I have been diagnosed with Systematic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) and Sjogren's Syndrome.

I did nothing because I have no symptoms.

I just carried on with my happy life…

In 2012, my painful autoimmune journey began.  

I've been diagnosed with urticaria or hives.

I can’t ignore the itch anymore as it is affecting my everyday life.

The itch spread to my whole body.

The doctor prescribed me antihistamines.

Despite the medicine's effectiveness in stopping the itching, I felt very tired and dozed off all the time.

During this period, I was extremely cautious with my diet.

I couldn't perform at work and couldn't sleep at night.

Medical treatment did not work for me, so I tried Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), but it did not work either.

After suffering for almost 6 months, I found the MIRACLE CURE.

It solved my urticaria in less than 3 months.

In addition to that, it also fixed my 15 years of severe constipation (I used to poop once every 5-10 days).

My laugh lines had became less visible, and my dull skin had became brighter.

Also, I had a fungus infection on my thumbnail for over 10 years, and it just disappeared.

In 2014, my newborn daughter was diagnosed with Neonatal Lupus Erythematosus (NLE).

The NLE attacked her platelets, red blood cells, liver, and skin.

I felt helpless because the doctor said a newborn baby like her would be too young to take any medicine or treatment.

When I applied the MIRACLE CURE to her, it worked again.

She had fully recovered after 8 months.

What is the MIRACLE CURE for autoimmunity?

My doubts about the MIRACLE CURE persist even after it resolved my urticaria, long-term constipation, and my daughter's NLE problem.

I was very hungry for the answer, so I started studying the science behind the solution.

I learned it from the internet, YouTube, seminars, and books.

I also learned it from doctors, rheumatologists, immunologists, and government agencies.

It was then that I put all the puzzle pieces together and began to understand it from a scientific

I have connected the relationships between inflammation, gut microbiome, diet, sleep, exercise, emotion, immune system, and autoimmune disease.

These connections form the basis for living with autoimmune diseases.

Why do I want to develop an autoimmune solution?

I have joined several autoimmune disease Facebook Closed Group.

A number of them suffered from bruises, rashes, and red bumps on their legs; and they had swollen hands and fingers; they had rashes on their faces. Their lives were ruined by the disease.

On my Eexin-Talk YouTube channel, I share my autoimmune journey and tips.

I've received a lot of inquiries regarding solutions to similar problems.  

I have organized 7 rounds of 1.5 hour webinars to share basic autoimmunity knowledge and solutions.

Participants are asking for more specific, comprehensive and personalized guidance after the webinar.

AD Facebook Closed Group

Eexin-Talk YouTube

Autoimmunity Webinar

Through the above-mentioned experience, I felt that they needed... 

~ A science-based solution that can guide them towards health.

~ An easy-access program that they can refer to whenever they need it.

~ A tool that evaluates health baselines and provides advice for improvement.

~ A dedicated consultant who can clarify their doubts throughout the implementation stage.


Over the last 11 years, I've studied more than 10,000 hours about autoimmune disease, Naturopathy, and the immune system.

I cannot expect them to spend 11 years like I did cracking the code.

Because of that, I am really eager to build a solution that can help this group of people.

I have spent a total of 10 months, 7 days a week and more than 10 hours every day to come up with the solution.

I named it the AIR Program

Anti-inflammatory Hacks

Immune System Balancing Code

Rebalance Autoimmune Diet

My aim in developing the AIR Program is to help you to be an AutoimmunePal through naturopathy for inner healing and enjoy a WORRY-FREE LIFE.

I Like Simple, Flexible and Sustainable Solution

Whatever I do, I would like to keep it flexible, simple and convenient, otherwise, I would not be able to do it consistently for the long-term.


~ I dislike spending 30 minutes every morning making mixed fruit juice.

~ I dislike sitting in meditation for 30 minutes before bedtime each day.

~ I dislike traveling to the gym every week for a 60-minute workout.

~ I dislike visiting the wellness center every month.

~ I dislike having trouble choosing the right food to eat.

This is because I have no time for it, and I don't enjoy the process.

While the aforementioned practices are good, there are alternatives that better suit our individual lifestyles. In short, a strict diet and lifestyle are not for me

When I develop the AIR Program, I make sure that I and most of the people can execute it without much effort.


Jane's daughter is a typical lady in her twenties who rejects drastic changes in diet and lifestyle.

She is still able to follow my AIR Program and is benefiting from it.

My daughter finally said goodbye to medicine after 5 years of suffering from SLE  

Jane Lim, Malaysia

My daughter, who is in her twenties, was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) in 2017. Her symptoms included joint pain, regular fever, extreme fatigue, and hair loss. As a mother, I have done my utmost to care for her over the past five years. After meeting Eexin and learning about the AIR Program three months later, her condition has improved significantly. She can now lead her life without the use of medications, and her mood has become much more positive in less than 12 months. As the mother of an SLE patient, I am truly grateful and hope that more patients can benefit from the AIR Program.

What are you gonna get from the AIR Program?

Anti-inflammatory Hacks (eBook Value $31 USD)

An autoimmune disease causes redness, swelling, heat, and pain, which are signs and symptoms of inflammation. We show you 3 simple but effective ways to fight inflammation to save you from an autoimmune attack. We aim to help you cut down or stay away from anti-inflammatory drugs and immunosuppressants.   

Immune System Balancing Code (eBook Value $49 USD)

The immune system cannot be suppressed (weak & sick) or triggered (attack its own cells). We will reveal 4 health codes to unlock your ability to balance the immune system based on more than 36 years of immunology research experience. We want you to have this powerful knowledge so that you don’t have to rely too much on your doctor, TCM practitioner or masseur.

Rebalance Autoimmune Diet (eBook Value $31 USD)

The AIP diet (autoimmune protocol) is an elimination diet that is too strict to follow in the long run. With the Rebalance Autoimmune Diet, you will save time and effort with 3 simple guidelines. Your time should be spent with your family and pursuing your passion, not studying food science. 

Personal Lifestyle Audit Assessment (Value $49 USD)

Our consultant will assist you to conduct a lifestyle test from an immune system balancing code perspective. Once you have completed the assessment, you will surely benefit from personalised health tips that will significantly improve your health with minimal effort.

Because l Want To Be Absolutely Sure

You Have Everything You Need To Be An AutoimmunePal Through Naturopathy For Inner Healing

And Enjoy A Worry-Free Life

I’m Giving You These Additional

BONUS FOR FREE to Speed Up Your Result

Bonus #1: The 4 Secrets of Living Well with Autoimmune Disease (Video Value $31 USD)

In general, autoimmune disorders cannot be cured, but they can often be controlled. I'll share a few real-life case studies, including my own, on how to unlock the autoimmune code. This will enable you to become an AutoimmunePal who can live with it "peacefully" and even avoid the use of drugs.

Bonus #2: My 7-Day Autoimmune Reset Diet (Video Value $31 USD)

By following my 7-day meal plan, I'm explaining to you how I improve my gut health, manage my weight, and maintain high energy levels. I will repeat this exercise every 7 days of the month to reset my body. If you follow this diet plan, I believe you can find a balance between "a healthy eating life" and "a happy eating life".  

Bonus #3: 24 months dedicated health coach (Value $227 USD)

I fully understand that you may have many questions, especially when you start implementing the AIR Program. I would like to offer my support by assigning a health coach to guide you through Zoom and WhatsApp.


Price = $49 USD.

Please grab the new launch promotion below!

30 Days Money Back Guarantee

Here's What They Say About the AIR Program

Chui Shan, Singapore

Improved psoriasis issue in less than 3 months

I have been troubled by psoriasis since I was a child. Whenever it's hot outside, I always scratch my body. Through Eexin, my health coach, I became aware of the AIR program. Since then, I have adjusted my diet and lifestyle to improve my dry skin problem by 80% in less than 3 months. I am very grateful, thank you Eexin.

Stella Koh, Singapore

My teenage son with lupus is recovering well

I felt helpless when my teenage son was diagnosed with Lupus. I got to know Eexin through the Eexin-Talk YouTube Channel. I have learned a lot from Eexin’s online seminar, and her presentation is easy to understand. I have applied the AIR Program to my son, and he is recovering well and back to normal life after months. Thank you Eexin and the team. I strongly recommend it to friends who are concerned about autoimmune diseases.

Monica Goh, Singapore

Fight against eczema with naturopathy instead of steroid

I had a severe outbreak of eczema at the beginning of 2022. I don't want to rely too much on medicine, so I have been asking Eexin how to reduce inflammation through diet. Thank you to Eexin coach for her patient explanation and companionship. My eczema is under control after 2 months. Her online seminar and AIR Program have inspired us to fight inflammation by improving autoimmune diseases through Naturopathy. I will recommend this program to my family and friends in need.

Hey, fellow autoimmune disease and inflammation fighters...

Imagine if you could get rid of pains, rashes, itching, swelling, steroids and immunosuppressants forever.

This is NOT A DREAM, it's REAL.

Hundreds of patients, including myself, have achieved that.

Meet your Health Coach here

Eexin Chong

My health awareness had increased since after being diagnosed with urticaria, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) and Sjogren's syndrome about 11 years ago. Fortunately, I get to crack the health code and manage the “best doctor in the world” (immune system) with naturopathy. Because of that, I no longer have to worry about my autoimmune diseases and I can live healthily without medication for more than 11 years.

Finally, I have decided to quit my full-time job as a Manager at a Multinational Corporation (MNC) and become a health educator so I can share health and wisdom with more people.
My mission in establishing the AIR Program (Anti-inflammatory Hacks, Immune System Balancing Code, and Rebalance Autoimmune Diet) is to assist more people in becoming AutoimmunePal through naturopathy for inner healing, allowing them to enjoy a worry-free life.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Can autoimmune diseases be cured?

Currently, there is no cure for autoimmune diseases. The current treatment focuses on controlling symptoms and oftentimes, the treatment itself can be harmful.

How does inflammation cause autoimmune disease?

A pro-inflammatory diet can lead to a condition called leaky gut syndrome. Your immune system will attack these "foreign invaders - undigested particles" due to being similar in structure to another component of your body. During the attack, the immune system may then mistake normal parts of your body as foreign. This will trigger an immune reaction against your own body, leading to an autoimmune disease.

What is the AIR Program? How can it help with autoimmune diseases?

Autoimmune diseases are diseases that occur when your immune system attacks your own tissues and organs. Or, the immune cells are "too aggressive" or "confused". The AIR program is a scientifically based naturopathic approach to balancing your immune system. By removing inflammation and balancing the immune system, the "self-attack" will slow down or disappear.

Is the AIR Program a proven strategy?

I've learned a lot of good practices recommended by doctors, immunologists, and medical researchers. Having practised it for more than 11 years, I know it works for me and customers. Therefore, I selected the best practices based on my personal experience, customer feedback, and their effectiveness to design a program. A proper program can benefit more people and guide them in a more structured and systematic way. Hence the program is not a theory, but a proven method that has already helped a lot of autoimmune disease patients gain back their health and live a worry-free life.  

Are there any side effects to the AIR Program?

There is no risk of side effects because no drugs, TCM, folk prescriptions, or man-made supplements are used. This program harnesses the power of Naturopathy to use natural remedies and techniques to help the body heal and recover itself.   

Start a scientific and naturopathic approach with AIR Program to achieve inner healing.

If you are tired of...

  • ~Visiting the hospitals and doing blood tests regularly

    ~Taking the medicine and suffering from the side effects

  • ~Falling sick regularly and feeling weak

  • ~Suffering from all the painful symptoms like rashes, itching, swelling and joint pain

  • ~Stressing over the food choices

  • ~Burdening your loved ones

Here is the best solution for you

AIR Program

📕eBook 1: Anti-inflammatory Hacks (Value $31 USD)

📕eBook 2: Immune System Balancing Code (Value $49 USD)

📕eBook 3: Rebalance Autoimmune Diet (Value $31 USD)

📝Test: Personal Lifestyle Audit Assessment (PLAA) (Value $49 USD)  


🎁Bonus #1: The 4 Secrets of Living Well with Autoimmune Disease (Value $31 USD)

🎁Bonus #2: My 7-Day Autoimmune Reset Diet (Value $31 USD)

🎁Bonus #3: 24 months dedicated health coach (Value $227 USD)

30 Days Money Back Guarantee

Total Value = $449 USD

Final Price = $49 USD

50% Promo Code: AIR2025OFF50

Final Price After Promo = $24.50 USD

Stop suffering from the symptoms.

Grab the AIR Program now so that you can start pursuing your dream life without pain and worry.

As much as I agree with the popular proverb that "Health is Wealth," I also feel...


~ This is not built overnight; it accumulates over time.

~ This should not be wasted; we should work within its limits.

~ This is not necessary to save it slowly; it is possible to earn it quickly.

Due to the new launch, I will keep the $24.50 USD deal (with promo code AIROFF50) for 60 days.

However, I may increase the price at any time in the future to continue improving the program.

If you find the program unsuitable, simply email us and will give you a full refund without asking any questions.

I just want you to be AutoimmunePal by applying naturopathy for inner healing with AIR Program.

So don't miss this opportunity, GRAB IT NOW!

50% New Launch Promo Code: AIR2025OFF50

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